Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Wolfowitz at the gates

Paul Wolfowitz was nominated to head the World Bank. In some ways, this is a good development - he can't do as much damage from that perch as from his current position (assuming Bush doesn't find someone even worse to replace him). Former HP CEO Carleton Fiorina was reportedly in the running, and it is an open question which of the two is more unsuitable for their well-demonstrated managerial incompetence. The irony is all the greater when one remembers the official name for the World Bank's core body: the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development...

One tidbit I found by reading the Harvard Crimson - he majored in Maths at Cornell. Perhaps that's why he gets on so well with con man Ahmad Chalabi, who holds a PhD in Mathematics. Then again, so did Teichmüller.


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