Saturday, November 11, 2006

Two reasons why putting flyboys in command positions is a bad idea

  1. Donald Rumsfeld (former US Navy pilot): enough said...

  2. Aluf (General) Dan Halutz, Chief of Staff of the Israeli armed forces: first Air Force officer to be named to this position, and most likely the last given the disastrous performance of his airpower-intensive offensive on Lebanon

There must be a warped perspective from high-altitude that makes pilots incapable of understanding the issues real soldiers face. Rumsfeld overrode experienced officers telling Congress twice to thrice the number of troops sent to Iraq were required, because he was fixed on a vision of low-msnpower, high-tech warfare and never let facts interfere with theory. Halutz added impropriety to incompetence by selling off his stock portfolio prior to the offensive, and completely botched the ground phase of the invasion.


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